16 Things Every Mum Needs in Their Handbag


Does your handbag rival Mary Poppins carpet bag?

My husband is always commenting on the amount of things that I carry in my handbag.  BUT I maintain, I need everything in there for the ‘just in case’ moments you have with kids.

Mary-Poppins-13Once I became a Mum, I swapped my clutch purse for a nappy bag but now that the kids are a little older I have a medium size handbag (still big compared to the old clutch purse admittedly!).

IMG_7389Apart from your basic things like wallet, keys and phone, I carry the following to make life just that little bit easier with kids:

Hand Sanitiser
This is super handy for when you’re at a public toilet and the soap has run out or you’re at the shopping centre and decide to stop for a snack.

Because accidents happen and generally you’re out and about at a park or friend’s place.

Your kids will get bitten by things like ants or midges and in that moment they will think they’re dying!  Stingose soothes the stings and itches and brings a sense of calm to your little ones. This is probably the most useful thing I carry and I use it on other people’s crying children as much as mine haha

Tape Measure
Yes, I actually carry one of these with me. I use it to measure anything from furniture to the size of my kids’ feet.

This is pretty self explanatory but it is helpful to have this with you at all times. We often race out the door in the mornings and forget to apply the sunscreen so we can do this on the run.

Insect Repellent
This is useful when you stay at the park a little longer than expected and the bugs come out to bite. Itchy kids are no fun especially at bedtime so this inclusion has been a lifesaver on many occasions.

Baby Wipes
Apart from the obvious, I use these to wipe down shopping trolleys, sticky hands, cafe benches, highchairs, my kids’ faces – anything. They also get make-up off clothes really well.

Lip Balm
Again the use for this is self explanatory but I am finding in this windy Autumn weather that the kids often have chapped dry lips so carrying this with me is a must.

Notepad & Pen
Considered redundant perhaps given most of us have a ‘notes’ section on our phones but this is particularly handy to entertain kids if you get caught out waiting at an appointment for example. You can do a quick drawing for the little ones or have a game of noughts & crosses with older kids.

I always carry these for the unexpected runny nose or sneeze. There are handy little travel size tissues that fit perfectly in the bag.

Hair ties
Even if you don’t have a little girl these are handy for either yourself – or they can tie up a bag or keep a bundle of sticks together at the park.

Ok, these are essential. The snacks need to be quite hardy to survive the bottom of the handbag but they are priceless.  I generally carry a few crackers and sultanas in a small container.  I also keep a small stash of lollies in my bag for when the blood sugar levels are getting low.

Water bottle
Keep everyone hydrated – parched kids are cranky kids. Water can also be used to wash sticky hands if necessary.

Vomit Bag
These are compact, they take up very little space in the bag but are ever so effective in the situation. I kept one from a doctors visit once (unused of course) but they are available at most chemists. Even if its just in the car it can save you from a sticky situation 😉

Spare plastic bag
You can use this as a makeshift bin bag or to carry muddy or wet things home from an outing.

This is seriously invaluable. It can be used with toddlers or teenagers. I use a handball with my toddler to play throw and catch and play handball or ‘classic catches’ with my older kids.

I have been able to fit most of these into a small waterproof bag to keep them altogether.



So channel Mary Poppins, embrace a few additional things in your handbag and ensure you are prepared for the next unpredictable thing that the kids throw at you.

What do you carry in your bag?




About Author

School Mum

Being a mum to 3 kids (one of them full time at home with me) and trying to juggle everything became pretty crazy.

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