Make A Family ANZAC Day Wreath



Anzac Day is the day on which we remember all Australians who served and died in war and on operational service. The spirit of Anzac, with its qualities of courage, mateship, and sacrifice, continues to have meaning and relevance for our country.

As a sign of respect and gratitude, your family could make a Wreath this year for Anzac Day and, if appropriate, lay it at your local Memorial site.

You will need:
Green cardstock
Red cardstock
Black Felt Pen

ANZAC Wreath Things You Need

Step One
Trace around a large dinner plate on the green cardstock.

ANZAC Day Plate Tracing

Step Two
Place a slightly smaller plate on the inside and trace around this as well. Cut this out. This will form the base of your wreath.

ANZAC Day Wreath Plate inside Plate Tracing

School Mum cutting out

ANZAC Day Wreath Cut Out

Step Three
Trace around all members of your family’s hands on the green cardstock and cut them out. You may need to make multiple copies to fill the wreath.

ANZAC Day Hand Tracing

Step Four
Cut out some poppy shapes from the red cardstock and use the black felt pen to add centres to the poppies.

Step Five
Glue the green handprint cut outs onto the wreath and then glue on the red poppies.

ANZAC Day Wreath Final White Background

Step Six
Either write or print out “We Will Remember Them” and glue this on at the end.

Doing this activity with your family will give you a chance to talk about Anzac Day together but it is also a wonderful, united token of remembrance and thanksgiving. 

Lest We Forget




About Author

Crafty Mum

Hi ... I love posting easy and engaging craft and fun activities that enrich our families. Melissa has 3 children and works with School Mum part-time.

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