Daffodil Day – For A Cancer-Free Future


This Friday 28 August 2015 is Daffodil Day!

The daffodil is the international symbol of hope for people affected by cancer.

With around 360,000 Australians currently living with cancer and a further 350 people told they have cancer every day, it’s likely most people will know someone affected by the disease in some way. By getting involved in Daffodil Day, you are helping raise much needed funds, to go towards vital cancer research, prevention programs and patient support for the many Australians affected by cancer each year.

Get behind Daffodil Day by purchasing some beautiful, fresh daffodils or some of their fantastic merchandise on offer at major retailers.

Daffodil Day raises much needed funds that in turn gives hope for a cancer-free future. Yah to that!

For more information www.daffodilday.com.au click here.



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