Camp Oven Damper – Easy Camping Treat


If you are heading out to do a spot of camping or even if you are just lighting up the firepit, a damper is a great fun holiday activity.

We are out camping at the moment and we are cooking almost everything in our new camp oven … which is mostly on the open fire and coals. Each morning we are making a damper for morning tea and eating it with some golden syrup or honey.

We even threw in a savory option with some bacon and onion and cheese mixed through.


  • 6 cup self-raising flour
  • 1 tbs baking powder
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 tbs milk warmed


  1. Mix the ingredients all together into a dough, adding more milk if its too dry
  2. Put the camp oven on the fire and get it nice and hot before you put the dough in. Put lid on camp oven and cover with hot coals. Bake damper for about ½ hour.
  3. Serve with butter and golden syrup.

If you don’t have a camp oven you can also cook it wrapped around a big stick and covered in Aluminium foil or even just in foil in the coals. If you don’t use the oven try not to rest it directly on the coals or it will burn … prop it just above on some rocks. 



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Tech Dad

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