25 Ways To Show Your Kids You LOVE them


It’s easy to fall into the routine of everyday life and forget to tell those closest to us (especially our kids) how much they mean to us and how much we LOVE them.

Here are 25 easy ideas to SHOW your kids you love them and how important they are to you (in no particular order):

  1. Say I love you often.
  2. Be interested in their day by asking what the best part of their day was.
  3. Tell them that you trust them.
  4. If you are wrong, say you are sorry (this one is hard but so worth it!)
  5. Laugh and giggle with them about silly things.
  6. Each time you greet your child, touch them. This could be their arm, back, shoulder, hair etc.
  7. Go into detail about what you love about your child. Focus on what makes them different and unique.
  8. Brag about your child to others in earshot of your child.
  9. Put little notes in their lunch box.
  10. Make their favourite meal and let them know that you made it especially for them.
  11. Display the artwork they give you.
  12. Be your child’s biggest fan, even if they make mistakes.
  13. Ask your child’s opinion on things and ask them why they feel that way.
  14. Go for a walk together and let them lead the conversation.
  15. Allow them to stay up late on the weekend and watch a movie together.
  16. Take your child out for a “date night” by going to do something fun together.
  17. Build paper planes together and test them out.
  18. Look through photos of them together reminiscing about fond memories.
  19. Have a dance party with them – just because.
  20. Share with them why you picked their name.
  21. Tell them funny stories of things they did when they were smaller.
  22. Smile at them often for no particular reason.
  23. Don’t be afraid to say no. Kids need discipline.
  24. Sit down and watch their favorite tv show with them, even if you don’t really like it.
  25. Get to know their friends and show an interest in what they are in to.

As the old saying goes…”actions speak louder than words” – perhaps you could implement a couple of these this week for your kiddos. 





About Author

School Mum

Being a mum to 3 kids (one of them full time at home with me) and trying to juggle everything became pretty crazy.

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